How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Discord In 2022 [4 Signs]

If you have been searching online for How to know if someone blocked you on Discord, you will be happy to know that you have reached the right place because, in this article, we will tell you about it.

Discord is a messenger application that allows you to chat and share videos and photos with your friends. It is specially designed to communicate with friends during online gaming.

It is very similar to Skype and Slack applications. You can easily search here and add them to your friend list. You can block anyone here, and that too can block you.

How does Discord work

It works based on Servers. You can create your servers while gaming and invite people to join it. People will receive notification of an invite link through which they can connect to the server. People can share text messages or photos, and videos.

How to know if someone blocked you on Discord

When someone blocks you while using Discord, you do not receive any notification. But based on some of the following signs, you can know that you have been blocked.

1.Can’t send messages

If you are blocked, you will not be able to send them any message. When you try to send a message, you get a notification of being blocked as per the picture.

How to know if someone blocked you on Discord

2.Would not be able to react

If you have been blocked, you will not be able to message them and make calls.

3.Can’t send a friend request

When someone blocks you on discard, you are not able to send a friend request again.

4.Cannot tag

When sending messages, you cannot ping or mention their username. You cannot even find their username from your account. This is another sign that you have been blocked.


We hope that through these four signals, you can find out whether you are blocked on Discord or not.

If you have any problem related to How to know if someone blocked you on Discord, you can tell us in the comment. Our team will surely help you.


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